Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Symptoms of Adrenoleukodystrophy

Adrenoleukodystrophy: A rare disorder which has characteristic symptoms of Addison disease (adrenocortical insufficiency) and Schilder disease (cerebral sclerosis). Bronze skin, brain sclerosis and demyelination are the main symptoms.

•Impaired motor function
•Impaired vision
•Swallowing difficulties
•Attention problems
•Cognitive impairment
•Behavioural impairment
•Adrenal atrophy
•Mental deterioration
•Progressive blindness
•Difficulty reading in children
•Difficulty writing in children
•Difficulty understanding speech in children
•Difficulty comprehending written material in children
•Leg stiffness
•Leg weakness
•Urinary disorders
•Adrenocortical insufficiency
•Increased skin pigmentation
•Brain sclerosis
•Brain demyelination
•Lack of control of voluntary leg movements
•Muscle weakness on one side of body
•Reduced hormone production by testes
•Reduced hormone production by ovaries
•Adrenal insufficiency
•Mental retardation
•Cortical blindness
•Walking difficulty
•Withdrawn state
•Emotional instability
•Aggressive outbursts
•Noncommunicative behavior
•Abnormal behavior
•Retinal degeneration
•Enlarged liver

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Awareness Items From Zazzle

Awareness store ALD. Adrenoleukodystrophy, Alexander Disease Awareness, Krabbe, MLD, AMN, Leukodystrophies 10% of sales go to Little Warriors


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