Thursday, July 9, 2009

Family and Friends

So much has gone on in the past few weeks. We ended June with Ryans third birthday !! So much fun , Aunt Sandy and Uncle Ron came for a surprise visit ! I knew they were coming , but no one else. You know how hard that was for me to keep a secret !? We had a great time visiting and had a mini reunion with Uncle Jim , Patty and Terri and Sheila. Also , we went to see Bushwalla again , so much fun !!
The boys brought their guitars this time and Billy signed Dylan and Jake's guitars.
Billy is an awesome entertainer and such a nice guy.He will be touring with Jason Mraz this summer so if you get a chance check them out ! Billy {aka} Bushwalla is the guy who is singing in the video of Owen being gangsta :-] That's Owen favorite song. Well , now it's time to get ready for round two of more family and friends. Corey will be coming in town soon and my parents and cousins for the Big family reunion and then in August we see Bushwalla AGAIN !!! wOOO~HOOO!! So long for now !!
check out Bushwalla at

Ryan's three !!!

First Bushwalla Show we went to
lot's of FUN he has an AWESOME voice.

Jake and Bushwalla

Jake getting his "Ghetto Blaster" signed :-]

Bushwalla signing Dylan's guitar
Thanks again Billy

The Hall's
Uncle Jim Hall and family , summer 2009


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